Collaborative Plot Development
Today’s topic is all about why? Why would anyone choose to co-author with another person when you know they’ll get to see your terrible ideas play out on the page and you’ll also have to discuss them. Even worse, you have to witness them do the same.
The Why of Co-Authoring
Today’s topic is all about why? Why would anyone choose to co-author with another person when you know they’ll get to see your terrible ideas play out on the page and you’ll also have to discuss them. Even worse, you have to witness them do the same.
The short answer is because you hope you’ll create something amazing together, something more than what you could have done alone. And if you are lucky, people will read it and get something out of the experience as well. As for the long answer, here you go…
Book Marketing and the Introverted Author
Introverted indie author standing with back turned to a crowd of potential readers.
The Dangers of Indie Author Advice
Not all advice is what it may seem. Some tips come from the well-intentioned but inexperienced, and others in the hopes of selling indie authors a service.